Here I'll compile information about living in Maryland: June 15, 2022 A: modernchic1977 · 4 hr. ago I am very happy with my condo. We moved to the Forest Glen area, which I like a lot, despite some issues you have with most areas. Our condo had everything we required, but it is older and the overall property needs some maintenance, but the current board is doing a great job tackling it all. The biggest problems have been previous boards not wanting to raise the HOA enough to actually take care of the aging infrastructure as most of the residents are quite a bit older and they balk at any increase. However, the units themselves are a good deal for the area with a lot of amenities for the fee we pay, and I am pretty sure the area is going to be developed more in the next 10+ years, so my investment will be a good one, and in the meantime I have a nice place to live until we retire. Updated information June 14, 2022 via reddit: Q: .....So I guess I’m askin...
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