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Various information via Social Media - June 26, 2020

Here is today's social media notes, via friends and other social media sources:

 Update September 2nd:
Mark Levin has said it before, but New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) completely bungled his coronavirus response, has lied about it over and over again, and now he's doing everything he can to cover up his tracks. 
The below were compiles in June 2020
@NYCMayor @NYGovCuomo further ruining quality of life in #NYC check this out, #lawlessness encouraged by giving them #hotel !!!=> Released From Jail, 100 Find Temporary Home In #Queens Hotel
Released From Jail, 100 Find Temporary Home In Queens Hotel
A Fresh Meadows hotel has been housing more than 100 people recently released from jail, and local officials say the city never told them.
By Maya Kaufman, Patch Staff
Verified Patch Staff Badge
Jun 25, 2020
via iammix Bell - @iammix24

BLM is the most powerful political force today! These aren't protests. This is a totalitarian political movement and someone needs to save us from it. The Dems are looking to topple Trump and then destroy America! BLM WANTS TO BURN THE SYSTEM DOWN!


Cash4Covid – How hospitals are making money off the coronavirus

Mark R. Levin
Even Scalia law school is under attack from within
Radical Left Makes Inroads at Scalia Law School Under Banner of Black Lives Matter
Comments Permalink Posted by Jacob Meckler Friday, June 26, 2020 at 1:00pm
Scalia Law’s Student Bar Association leads push for race-based agenda.


The mayor who thought he deserved to be in the White House suddenly can’t even manage City Hall.
reports on how Bill de Blasio lost the city


Chuck Callesto

BRAKING REPORT: Federal Judge Rules Cuomo, De Blasio EXCEEDED AUTHORITY by Restricting Religious Services While Condoning Protests...


New York Post
TikTok caught spying on in-app keystrokes thanks to an iOS 14 feature



via @DJDeMario1 how @NYCMayor is #incompetent and encouraging #lawlessness by instigating paiting #BLM murals on 5th Ave #NYC there is no more quality of life in #NY #murders skyrocketing #court #system no more working to hold #criminals accountable

Newsweek @Newsweek
Communist businessman erects illegal Stalin statue in Russia BY BRENDAN COLE

This video is shared via social media => "$enator" Sez:
May 22 ·


Conservative media misinformation intensified the severity of the pandemic -
New research explores how conservative media misinformation may have intensified the severity of the pandemic
Christopher Ingraham, The Washington Post Published 7:22 am PDT, Thursday, June 25, 2020


It's always interesting to read the comments of the general public to "news" articles:
Here is a very good example of singers, their "fame" getting to their head and the responses are precious to this article:

Breitbart News @BreitbartNews
Gee, how original, Madonna. Such an innovator, you are. *yawn*

1. Kat
Replying to
She is batsh*t crazy. The woman took a left at Pluto and got lost years ago.Face with rolling eyes

john bolton
Replying to
"Nazi sociopath" at what point is free speech just outright slander, libelous defamation.



“Chicago is an example — it is worse than Afghanistan.”

He added Detroit, Oakland, Baltimore
He can now add his hometown of NYC

Bill Mitchell
I mean, we've all seen the latest Project Veritas sting on Facebook.

Clearly, Zuckerberg LIED to Congress when asked if Facebook was biased against Conservatives. Clearly, it is company policy to censor conservative content with EXTREME BIAS at facebook.

They all lie folks.

Jun 25
NEW: LeBron James is building a new media company that aims to give a voice to Black creators and consumers who’ve been pandered to, ignored, or underserved

LeBron James Gets $100 Million Investment to Build Media Empire
The King and his longtime business partner Maverick Carter have formed a new company with an unapologetic agenda.

Eyewitness News @ABC7NY
Coronavirus News: New York City protests haven't caused spike in COVID-19 cases


Amazon Launches Counterfeit Crimes Unit to Target Bogus Products, Sellers
The global team is dedicated to taking down fake products and the folks who sell them.

Catturd ™
Joe Biden: "I Would Do Everything Possible to Make It Required that People Had to Wear Masks in Public."

If you want to spend the rest of your life in mask that doesn't work - vote for village idiot, scratch and sniff Joe Biden.

#business and #advertising over #socialmedia and #Hershey via @PennLive

getting off #Facebook and #instagram


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