We often get into various life situations and learn from them. Situations teach us and readjust our thoughts and feelings towards various issues.
Today at Quora was this very interesting question and I loved one of the responses. I'll add them here:
Q: Senthil Subbaiah
Life is UNCERTAIN ,UNPREDICTABLE ! INVEST MONEY ON PRODUCTIVE ASSETS , Brutal truth - No one will give money to you for FREE- EXCEPT PARENTS. Nobody & Nothing is permanent in YOUR Life
Share Post Harsh truths
To all Entrepreneurs,Professionals , etc
A. Here is an answer which is so true to my personal life experiences:
Emil Baltman responded on December 26, 2018
What are some of the dark lessons that life showed you?
1.No one is happy with your success, except your family.
(my comment: sadly, that's not true, your own family/siblings aren't really happy... and they make sure to let you know anyway they can)
2. Love is a myth. Without reason, no one is your friend.
(my comment: I guess what she means is that each person that's your friend, has some sort of connection with you, based on their own reason, as to why in the first place they connected with you. Over time, you might find, many connections somehow fizzle. Yet others, stay strong, despite the many years that pass. The ones that stay as friends, perhaps many years back, you never thought those would be the ones always staying in touch).
3. The only people that love you without any expectations are your parents.
(my comment: Yes, my parents are the ones who TRULY loved and cared for me. Specially my mother, she was indeed the most exceptional person, my role model. My father cared and loved, however he didn't apply himself. The whole burden was on my MOTHER. And she was the most brilliant person I ever knew. As well as my maternal grandmother, what an amazing person she was.)
4. Everyone has a role in your life and when their role ends, they will leave you. So be strong.
(my comment: So true, many people come and go in our life. When their need is satisfied, and they no longer need you, they disappear. Few of them turns out they were into control, and that never works with me. I'm happy when they leave me. As they are like weeds, they just disappear on their own, making room for new people to enter your life and enrich you. Yet again, got to proceed with caution. Some show so much affection initially, and then it fizzles, they don't have the endurance power. They weren't right for you anyway. So time shows all that eventually).
5. Money has a strong place in everyone's life, but unfortunately, it cannot buy you everything.
(my comment: Yes, we all do need money, specially to cover our basic life needs. It certainly doesn't buy the respect of the people that come in your life. They might look at you as a cash machine and give attitudes if you cannot satisfy their greed).
6. Laugh with everyone, but trust none.
(my comment: Yes, be kind and cheerful, however don't get carried away).
7. People say speak the truth but in reality, no one wants to hear it.
(my comment: People might complain about the situation in life they are in. The moment you try to show that a decision was a bit wrong, they get defensive and upset that you give your opinion. Then you think to yourself, why did you waste so many phone calls and hours of MY TIME? It's best to not give too much of your time attention to such people. They are not really interested to improve their status in life. They would rather continue with wrong decisions that had landed them to financial and other difficult situations anyway. They are better off writing it down and not let you HEAR their endless windy tails of past stories and failures. Because, they are NOT interested in making positive adjustments. So deal with it and DON"T give any advice or suggestion, even if they ask for it, because they never asked your opinion before all the past mistakes they did. It's a bit late, since they have no intention of learning from their mistakes).
8. No one gives a shit about what you think or what you do, it is only your perspective that they think about you.
(my comment: Yup, decades ago, I found out the real truth of how worthless I was to few people in my life. They will never change, so just be aware of it and move on, having ONLY positive people in your life. If you don't have a choice and they are there, just be aware of the situation and keep quiet, click the ignore button. However, if they try to disrespect you, stand up for yourself, as they are abusers and lack total emotional intelligence).
9. Expectation always hurts. So expect less or no expectation from others.
(my comment: Thank God I never expected anything from anyone, so that was ok with me. All I had expected from loved ones was RESPECT, which I never got. Once I was totally convinced of their value system, I moved on).
10. Never ever sacrifice your happiness for someone else.
(my comment: That's true, except if you have children. Once you are a parent, you have the obligation to guide them. They come first. Once a parent, always a parent). Every positive change you bring to their life, brings happiness. Therefore, in this case sacrifices are justified. Of course, finding ways to keep your sanity in the process.
11. The fewer people you chill with, the less bullshit you deal with.
(my comment: that's so true. You don't need to have too many close friends. As it does take time and energy. It's good to be selective and keep quality friendships).
12. Living a simple life gives you more time for important things.
(my comment: yes, simplifying life helps. It's like decluttering life. The less you have to deal with, the better).
13. The sooner you learn to live alone, the sooner you understand the meaning of life. You are your best friend.
(my comment: Life certainly might have twists and turns. I say, you can live alone, however always have meaningful relationships and connections that you build over decades. Otherwise, it might certainly be lonely).
14. Never ever reveal your secret to anyone.
(my comment: I don't think there are so many secrets in life. See all the above points. It's good to share your life experiences with those who like to hear, as you might influence them with your life story. I personally learned that you need to be flexible in life. It might suddenly throw your way totally new paths. Don't resist, go with the flow. My attitude of "why not?" let me try it, has helped me a lot. As well as my curiosity and need to learn about many things, makes my life not boring and useful. Specially when after a while, you need to give back to your community and those around you that need your help and wisdom. So point 14 is the one I honesty disagree with.)
It's amazing, that I had so much to say for each and every of the 14 points!
What else do you have to add from your own life experiences?
Today at Quora was this very interesting question and I loved one of the responses. I'll add them here:
Q: Senthil Subbaiah
Life is UNCERTAIN ,UNPREDICTABLE ! INVEST MONEY ON PRODUCTIVE ASSETS , Brutal truth - No one will give money to you for FREE- EXCEPT PARENTS. Nobody & Nothing is permanent in YOUR Life
Share Post Harsh truths
To all Entrepreneurs,Professionals , etc
A. Here is an answer which is so true to my personal life experiences:
Emil Baltman responded on December 26, 2018
What are some of the dark lessons that life showed you?
1.No one is happy with your success, except your family.
(my comment: sadly, that's not true, your own family/siblings aren't really happy... and they make sure to let you know anyway they can)
2. Love is a myth. Without reason, no one is your friend.
(my comment: I guess what she means is that each person that's your friend, has some sort of connection with you, based on their own reason, as to why in the first place they connected with you. Over time, you might find, many connections somehow fizzle. Yet others, stay strong, despite the many years that pass. The ones that stay as friends, perhaps many years back, you never thought those would be the ones always staying in touch).
3. The only people that love you without any expectations are your parents.
(my comment: Yes, my parents are the ones who TRULY loved and cared for me. Specially my mother, she was indeed the most exceptional person, my role model. My father cared and loved, however he didn't apply himself. The whole burden was on my MOTHER. And she was the most brilliant person I ever knew. As well as my maternal grandmother, what an amazing person she was.)
4. Everyone has a role in your life and when their role ends, they will leave you. So be strong.
(my comment: So true, many people come and go in our life. When their need is satisfied, and they no longer need you, they disappear. Few of them turns out they were into control, and that never works with me. I'm happy when they leave me. As they are like weeds, they just disappear on their own, making room for new people to enter your life and enrich you. Yet again, got to proceed with caution. Some show so much affection initially, and then it fizzles, they don't have the endurance power. They weren't right for you anyway. So time shows all that eventually).
5. Money has a strong place in everyone's life, but unfortunately, it cannot buy you everything.
(my comment: Yes, we all do need money, specially to cover our basic life needs. It certainly doesn't buy the respect of the people that come in your life. They might look at you as a cash machine and give attitudes if you cannot satisfy their greed).
6. Laugh with everyone, but trust none.
(my comment: Yes, be kind and cheerful, however don't get carried away).
7. People say speak the truth but in reality, no one wants to hear it.
(my comment: People might complain about the situation in life they are in. The moment you try to show that a decision was a bit wrong, they get defensive and upset that you give your opinion. Then you think to yourself, why did you waste so many phone calls and hours of MY TIME? It's best to not give too much of your time attention to such people. They are not really interested to improve their status in life. They would rather continue with wrong decisions that had landed them to financial and other difficult situations anyway. They are better off writing it down and not let you HEAR their endless windy tails of past stories and failures. Because, they are NOT interested in making positive adjustments. So deal with it and DON"T give any advice or suggestion, even if they ask for it, because they never asked your opinion before all the past mistakes they did. It's a bit late, since they have no intention of learning from their mistakes).
8. No one gives a shit about what you think or what you do, it is only your perspective that they think about you.
(my comment: Yup, decades ago, I found out the real truth of how worthless I was to few people in my life. They will never change, so just be aware of it and move on, having ONLY positive people in your life. If you don't have a choice and they are there, just be aware of the situation and keep quiet, click the ignore button. However, if they try to disrespect you, stand up for yourself, as they are abusers and lack total emotional intelligence).
9. Expectation always hurts. So expect less or no expectation from others.
(my comment: Thank God I never expected anything from anyone, so that was ok with me. All I had expected from loved ones was RESPECT, which I never got. Once I was totally convinced of their value system, I moved on).
10. Never ever sacrifice your happiness for someone else.
(my comment: That's true, except if you have children. Once you are a parent, you have the obligation to guide them. They come first. Once a parent, always a parent). Every positive change you bring to their life, brings happiness. Therefore, in this case sacrifices are justified. Of course, finding ways to keep your sanity in the process.
11. The fewer people you chill with, the less bullshit you deal with.
(my comment: that's so true. You don't need to have too many close friends. As it does take time and energy. It's good to be selective and keep quality friendships).
12. Living a simple life gives you more time for important things.
(my comment: yes, simplifying life helps. It's like decluttering life. The less you have to deal with, the better).
13. The sooner you learn to live alone, the sooner you understand the meaning of life. You are your best friend.
(my comment: Life certainly might have twists and turns. I say, you can live alone, however always have meaningful relationships and connections that you build over decades. Otherwise, it might certainly be lonely).
14. Never ever reveal your secret to anyone.
(my comment: I don't think there are so many secrets in life. See all the above points. It's good to share your life experiences with those who like to hear, as you might influence them with your life story. I personally learned that you need to be flexible in life. It might suddenly throw your way totally new paths. Don't resist, go with the flow. My attitude of "why not?" let me try it, has helped me a lot. As well as my curiosity and need to learn about many things, makes my life not boring and useful. Specially when after a while, you need to give back to your community and those around you that need your help and wisdom. So point 14 is the one I honesty disagree with.)
It's amazing, that I had so much to say for each and every of the 14 points!
What else do you have to add from your own life experiences?