The latest information regarding the road closures due to the recent weather conditions and vast damage to it's residents:
Florida Weather Watch
According to Google Maps, a section of I-26 from Tennessee to North Carolina may be closed until MARCH 2025 and a section of I-40 from Tennessee to North Carolina may be closed until SEPTEMBER 2025!
It's via Facebook page link at:
Here is North Carolina residents reporting via social media: October 3, 2024
I’ve been dreading seeing the aftermath in Burnsville, NC. My daughter’s grandparents have a 160 farm there, it’s a mud pit now.
Entire towns got wiped off the map, changing the topography forever. Geologists say some mountains lost up to 20ft of their surfaces in landslides.
The link for additional information
Intense flooding during and the aftermath of Helene in Marshall, North Carolina: details at this link
Follow her sad story and how the hurricane has impacted her. She give daily reports:
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And there is a lot of chatter regarding lithium:
DOD has already invested in mining of lithium in the Kings Mountain, NC.
Some responses:
It’s called “ The Lithium Belt” geographically. Mining companies gearing up in NC for awhile. Multiple articles when you search online.
I understand there's a lot of quartz there also. They'll remove the people and destroy those mountains. All to help implement their "green" agenda. Solar needs batteries to store the power. Also electric vehicles.
If that's true they would be in Nevada, it holds the world's largest Lithium reserves