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Here is the search result about who are the Ismailis:
the village of Pasu, a teenager checks his Facebook. Many residents
here are Ismaili, followers of a moderate branch of Islam. A sign on the
mountain slope commemorates the time in 1987, when the Ismaili imam,
the Aga Khan, visited the remote region.
This Remote Pakistani Village Is Nothing Like You’d Expect
Over the years, a mountainous region in Pakistan has become my second home. I’ve seen firsthand how global events have hurt locals’ livelihoods and how technology has challenged the meaning of tradition.
Photos and story byMatthieu Paley
Published October 24, 2016
• 15 min read
........ "...Alvi, dressed in low-hanging shorts and a Yankees cap, is far from a
fundamentalist: He’s Wakhi, part of an ethnic group with Persian
origins. And like everyone else here, he is Ismaili—a follower of a
moderate branch of Islam whose imam is the Aga Khan, currently residing
in France. There are about 15 million Ismailis around the world, and
20,000 live here in the Gojal region of northern Pakistan...."
Wakhi home sports an embroidery of Prince Karim Aga Khan IV, the
current imam of Ismaili Muslims. He has an estimated 15 million
followers in more than 25 countries, including 20,000 in Gojal...."