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Wealth and tax, taxation explanations

 updated info July 20, 2022

post via FB - as Taxation being theft

check the thread and responses:

 he has great point. He has already paid for his home and he has to pay from his social security 50% to pay for property taxes

some responses:

I would stop social security pay the people we owe them and be done with it . He could have saved that money instead and be farther ahead then where he is relying on government to manage his money . I don’t want government to manage my money , I am better at it than they are 

sir if you, my hard working parents, my Army Buddies and my crew of iron workers don’t pay taxes… well then the democrats don’t have money to give to the useless voter spawn that is welfare.

social security is money you put in that the government gives you basically no interest on. What does that have to do with anything?

I'm laughing at your Democrat comment.....look at all the Republicans we've had in office and how many of them have not changed anything. So I guess you think because FDR was a Democrat president, that's where it all started? Many of us rely on our SS benefits as that is pretty much the only income we have, so if you take that away, your taxes would still be spent on supporting's called welfare!

most of Ss has been spent by, yes, both sides of the aisle. It is the govts biggest slush fund and ponzi scheme there is. If you got back what you put in as it was promised to be, you'd be living well after retirement, but you don't, and it's taxes as well. The ultimate thievery. When it was page, it was too be voluntary, temporary, and everyone was told not to listen to those nay sayers, would never be used as your citizen identification. Riiiight

I agree . I left usa 5 Yeats ago living in the mountains in Brasil. No property tax in rural zoned areas. The trajectory tye USA is currently headed the only option is to cash out and move to another country

there is no worse tax than the hidden tax known as inflation. No one escapes it, it even hurts the homeless.

they have all that in the republic of Ireland and no property tax. I'd rather pay a VAT tax and know why I am going to owe in advance as to have them go up on my property tax so much that I can't afford it. My friend lost her home in georgia. Over a period of 5 years her property tax went from 2,000 to 20,000. That is robbery.

I felt sorry for the old people that worked so hard for five or six dollars an hour and now they're a little retirement bank account is being robbed more than what little money they made

income tax is also theft and never happened until 1912 or 1913..... it was allegedly "temporary" to support US's effort in WWI ..... the "temporary" part was ignored because thet decided War was too profitable to stop engaging in.

yes, even if you've bought and paid for your home, basing it on the inflated property value now makes it unaffordable for many seniors on a fixed income to continue living there... now they must sell and move. Very unfair system

I am not an advocate of income tax either, in fact I despise it as well. I'm only suggesting suggesting that property taxes are worse because after you retire and stop working, income tax goes away. But property taxes continue, inflate every year and they destroy fix income retirees. I think that's even worse than the henious income taxes. But no matter which you deem to be worse, we can agree that they both need to go.


carbon tax is also on that bracket if you live in chinada

yeah I was thinking about this last night. I live in a mobile home which I paid tax when I bought it, only to have to buy a permit sticker every year to have on my own property which I have to pay taxes on, pay taxes on my paycheck only to possible have to pay taxes on said income at the end of the year. And how does the government either local or national help the people they dont

self employment tax is bad too. I paid $33,000 this year for 2021. The amount of money they are taking is thievery.

except income tax. You are being penalized for working.

I agree but long term capital gains tax is truly unfair. I’m 69 still working and own property that is worth some money but if I sell the guberment wants even more

yes there is, Death Tax! You pay taxes on everything your whole life and then you die and the gov. Comes a knocking for 50% more. That how families lose small business and farms etc.

pay the tax once maybe , and then be done with it ! Why have to pay every year ? I didn’t just buy it I own it ! Leave me alone damn it!

the tax on social security is right up there.

u actually think all that money goes into schools. Check this out. U go to court. You get probation and a fine if 1000.00. during ur probation u pay 75.00 a visit a month. Now multiply that times 7300 ppl on probation. Where do u think all that money goes. Nope not to pay probation agents or judges. There is a lot left over. Tell me how all of a sudden California had a surplus of money during the covid crisis??? Where did the government get the money to send stimulus checks. Uhmmm they raise taxes and we give it right back to them. And instead of helping veterans living in the woods and eating out of dumpsters and killing themselves at a rate of 20 a day they give to other countries to support wars. Stop paying property taxes and let the ppl worry about the schools. Bad ppl running the show right now.

the real slap in the face is that after paying taxes on ever increasing value, beyond what he paid for it, should he ever sell it, he will pay capital gains tax on the increase in value for keeping his property in good shape. So he gets to pay yearly for the increase in value and one more time when he sells it. Without regard what it cost to keep it up or the increasing taxes he already paid. Worse then the Mob.

Exactly - Congress has stolen trillions out of the paid by the taxpayers social security fund. They spend it on anything and everything except the taxpayer who was promised those funds

the "budget" is a make believe term that politicians use to convince gullible people that they really care about the things that the people care about. They never live up to their budget because they are too busy taking as much as possible for themselves and then printing more and more money to try and stimulate their failing economy, and in doing so making the cost of living skyrocket driving the nails deeper into the countries economic coffin

I want to know why we as American tax payers don't get a say when they send "our" tax money to other countries! When they want to send money it should go to a vote by the American tax payers before being sent!

The poor and lazy get welfare the rich get tax breaks the seniors get nothing.

Jim Rhoades He may not be exaggerating. I've spoken with a few old timers who built their own homes from lumber that they milled themselves years ago and had less than a few thousand dollars in it. Northwest GA.

you completely missed the point. our government constantly screws us we shouldn’t be taxed on our checks then go to the store just to be taxed again. The government is full of crooks and it’s ridiculous

Property tax is absolute theft. If you have to pay the government to keep your property, you're a renter. You don't, and never will, own your property.



updated info on April 16, 2021


There has been this talk in the media about taxation and wealth.

At Quora they cover it and here is a detailed explanation worth reading and learning:

I'll add more references soon. This one is quite comprehensive and has great details. Also read the comments as well:

They shouldn’t.

There’s a lot of talk lately, particularly by the Bernie Sanders and AOC left, that the “rich” don’t pay their “fair” share of taxes, that the “economy doesn’t work for everyone” and they talk about the need for “economic justice.” These are of course all nebulous terms whose definitions are subjective at best. Politicians like that are trying to rile up their base by playing to the basest human emotions: greed, jealousy, avarice. “Not making as much money as you think you deserve? It’s not your fault. It’s your employer’s fault, it’s the Republicans’ fault, it’s Donald Trump’s fault, it’s the white male patriarchy.” It’s never the individual who made bad decisions, dropping out of school to have 3 babies before he was able to support them. It’s always someone else’s fault.

“Dude, did you just say that the 99% are the greedy ones?”

read the rest online.


here is another one:

I recently had this conversation with a friend and I believed it opened up an entirely new perspective for her.

I will share from my anecdotal experiences and encounters as the way in which every business owner utilizes The tax advantages within the tax codes are different.

I am a 23 year old Army veteran with a thriving real estate investment business. I primarily focus on investments that allow me the greatest tax deferments of tax credits. These investments are in:

-Affordable housing

-workforce housing

-home based businesses.

While the last one isn’t an investment strategy, I will explain later how this method can be used to not pay taxes.

because I choose to invest in government housing (I.e affordable and workforce) I am able to defer taxes (I.e a 1031 tax exchange) or receive LIHTC(Low Income Housing Tax Credits) since my business and ownership of property is contributing to the overall economy. I am providing Americans and their families with a sufficient, safe, and clean place to live. Therefore the government showed me to me more of my money (not pay taxes) so that I can reinvest it back into communities and make more sufficient, safe, and clean housing.



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