The internet is so accessible to everyone. There are many wonderful sites that help us with the information they provide. We look up for a specific term and find many sites. However, the most important question is, how to know if they are legitimate sites, providing correct information. Recently on Facebook there was the link of a site, that claims to know the ancient languages that are still in use today: They had eliminated many obvious languages, including Greek, Assyrian, Armenian among others. Hence, I started to do a search of sites that are not reliable and to avoid. They are misleading in many ways. I am glad to find in Wikipedia the following link - check out The List of Fake News Websites : I will include on this blog page other sites, which by many get verified as exist by having catchy headlines, however the content is never verified for accuracy. It Took Facebook More Than A Year — And A Whistleblower — To Re...
Mainly about New York and Countries of the World. Variety of information and tips