Information from various social media posts about Mustafa Kemal Ataturk: Some interesting Facts on the Origins of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk who was the founding Father of the Republic of turkey, who plotted the Armenian Christian genocide (1915-1916). Information on Mustafa Kemal as a donmeh (It is interesting that the Jews refer to the donmeh, or, more correctly, the Sabbateans, as cultists – minim. That is, they are not considered goyim, or gentiles, those professing other faiths, but simply followers of a distorted version of Judaism) have always existed. Early publications about Kemal always make mention of it. For example, the very first serious work on the First World War – the landmark work History of the War by the renowned British daily The Times, published in 22 parts during 1915-1922 – did not circumvent that fact. It states in particular: “Mustafa Kemal, reported by some to be of Salonika Jewish descent, only joined the Nationalist movement openly in June, 191...