updated August 2nd 2021" Democratic Election Officials Claim That Audited Machines Must Be Retired August 2, 2021 " Democratic election officials in several major states are claiming that election machines and equipment that has been audited must be retired. Several of these Democratic election officials are claiming that machines and equipment audited from the 2020 presidential election must be discarded and replaced at significant cost. In a letter to the Fulton County Board of Elections, Acting Pennsylvania Secretary of State Veronica Degraffenreid said that the Dominion voting machines would be decertified after being audited by software company Wake TSI. ... ..... Maricopa County officials announced late last month that voting machines subpoenaed by the Arizona Senate for its audit of the 2020 election will not be used in the future. ... " ============================ Seems there are now lots of alternatives to #youtube see d.tube Venezuela Cuba China Election...
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