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Showing posts from January, 2020

Square Peg Round Hole Plays Ringing Rocks

This is amazing.

WCIT 2019: Discover Armenia | Oct 6-9 in Yerevan

Cafe Gourmand Staten Island NY Restaurant 2019 Lilya & Mikayel Aslanyan

Sergio | Official Trailer | Netflix


Reading today about New York City

Reading today these articles In 1930s New York, the Mayor Took on the Mafia by Banning Artichokes Gangs and mafiosos have a long history with food crime. by Mark Hay January 17, 2020 Why Manhattan’s Skyscrapers Are Empty Approximately half of the luxury-condo units that have come onto the market in the past five years are still unsold. January 16, 2020

MTA Public Transporation and NYC hearings in 2020

Please join the Facebook group dedicated to this topic: Express Bus Advocacy Group Contact page of John Liu, NY State Senator Bus drivers union has redesign concerns Here is the proposed DRAFT from MTA Article: Northeast Queens Residents Decry MTA's Proposed Express Bus Cuts The MTA is redoing the Queens bus map, and its current draft calls for cuts to express bus service from northeast Queens to Manhattan. By Maya Kaufman, Patch Staff UPDATE TODAY January 17th regarding the Bronx, let's hope we all win this battle, here is the tweet: by Mark Gjonaj @MarkGjonajNY Our office has been notified by @MTA that service will remain the same on express buses in our #District13 & the Bronx. A hearing will be held next month to discuss final draft of #BronxBusRedesign Thanks to all community leaders & members who worked to stop the proposed cuts. Article by PIX11 =>Here is reaction of Queens residents re...

Venice, Italy

New Update on July 20, 2020 Venice has been fighting floods for centuries. It's losing Italy has been working for 40 years on a plan to save the iconic city. Corruption, scandal and politics have held everything back -- except the floodwater. the details are at: San Lazzaro degli Armeni: A slice of Armenia in Venice Teresa Levonian Cole explores a monastery dedicated to Armenian culture

Cult Of Baal Map FULLY EXPLAINED Interview with Dylan of Deep State Mapp...

via this website, I got to the above video: Cult of Baal /