Please join the Facebook group dedicated to this topic: Express Bus Advocacy Group Contact page of John Liu, NY State Senator Bus drivers union has redesign concerns Here is the proposed DRAFT from MTA Article: Northeast Queens Residents Decry MTA's Proposed Express Bus Cuts The MTA is redoing the Queens bus map, and its current draft calls for cuts to express bus service from northeast Queens to Manhattan. By Maya Kaufman, Patch Staff UPDATE TODAY January 17th regarding the Bronx, let's hope we all win this battle, here is the tweet: by Mark Gjonaj @MarkGjonajNY Our office has been notified by @MTA that service will remain the same on express buses in our #District13 & the Bronx. A hearing will be held next month to discuss final draft of #BronxBusRedesign Thanks to all community leaders & members who worked to stop the proposed cuts. Article by PIX11 =>Here is reaction of Queens residents re...